Biserica Oprişeni

iulie 3, 2024 by

Istorie Locala

Biserica repictată, a fost resfinţită la 8 noiembrie 1926; între autorii picturii, studentul Irimescu P. Ioan: Sfinţii Evanghelişti (pe bolta), Dumnezeu Tatăl, Sfinţii Apostoli Petru şi Pavel, Iisus în Ghetsimani, Sfânta Fecioară cu Pruncul, Fuga în Egipt.

Langă biserică şi lângă vechea şcoală primară este Monumentul Eroilor (1923). În cimitirul din jurul bisericii sunt îngropaţi Ştefan Şoldănescu, Ion Dragoslav, V. G. Popa, Lucreţia Andriu, pr. Ilie Anisescu, Maria Petru şi Eugenia Irimescu (soţia şi părinţii sculptorului), Vasile Costachescu, s.a.


Cartea Falticenilor, De la A la Z, autor Catain Ciolca, editura OMNIA, Iasi, 2005, pag 156 – 157

Material realizat de :

Gafincu Petruţa, 18 ani, Colegiul Tehnic ,,Mihai Băcescu” Fălticeni, cl.a XII-a

Gafincu Paula, 18 ani, Colegiul Tehnic ,,Mihai Băcescu” Fălticeni, cl.a XII-a




Oprişeni Church


The Church dedicated to Saint Michael and Gabriel was built of stone and brick “ with funds from Slatina Monastery …. by leaseholder Vasile Canta, whose work was done together with inhabitants from Rădăşeni and Oprişeni", from 1855 to 1861. The founder was the son of Neculae Canta and the father of Matei Cantacuzino, a well-known lawyer and teacher in Iași. Here there had been a wooden church before, from which the Altar was kept, an item saved by restoration with an iron cross from 1920 to1930, on the initiative of Peter T. Ionescu. Another icon was also preserved, Moses with the sheep, made ​​by Sozana Monahie, in 1818, on 20th of February but also the adornments to the Iconostasis.

The repainted church was re-consecrated on the 8th of November, 1926; among the painters, student Irimescu P. Ioan: Holy Evangelists (on the vault), God the Father, the Sts. Apostles Peter and Paul, Jesus in Gethsemane, Virgin Mary and the Child, Flee to Egypt.

In the neighbourhood of the church and next to the old primary school there is the monument dedicated to Heroes (1923). Inside the cemetery that surrounds the church, Ștefan Şoldănescu, Ion Dragoslav, V.G. Popa, Lucreția Andriu, Priest Ilie Anisescu, Maria Petru and Eugenia Irimescu (the wife and the parents of the sculptor), Vasile Costachescu and others are buried.



Cartea Falticenilor, De la A la Z, autor Catain Ciolca, editura OMNIA, Iasi, 2005, pag 156 – 157

Powered by Gafincu Petruţa, 18, Colegiul Tehnic ,,Mihai Băcescu” Fălticeni, cl.a XII-a


Gafincu Paula, 18 ani, Colegiul Tehnic ,,Mihai Băcescu” Fălticeni, cl.a XII-a

Gafincu Petruţa, 18 ani, Colegiul Tehnic ,,Mihai Băcescu" Fălticeni, cl.a XII-a



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Istorie Locala

Istorie Locala

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