Casa Memorială Mihail Sadoveanu (Casa din deal)

iulie 3, 2024 by

Istorie Locala

Cu prilejul sărbătoririi, la Fălticeni, a vârstei de 50 de ani, Mihail Sadoveanu a scris în cartea de aur a Liceului „Nicu Gane”: „Revăd cu emoţie oraşul copilăriei şi al amintirilor.” Tot atunci a rostit celebrele cuvinte  „La Folticeni am băut apa vie a sufletului românesc, pe care n-am uitat-o nici până azi. În ea se va răsfrânge până la moarte toată taina sufletului meu.” 

Mihail Sadoveanu, a fost proclamat cetăţean de onoare al oraşului Fălticeni iar fostei străzi, Sfântul Nicolae, din localitate, i s-a atribuit numele său.

Iniţiativa înfiinţării Casei Memoriale Mihail Sadoveanu a fost luată în toamna anului 1986, în amenajarea casei memoriale, un preţios ajutor fiind primit din partea celor două fiice ale scriitorului.

Obiectivul a intrat în circuitul cultural, ca muzeu memorial, în vara anului 1987. Cele şase spaţii (hol de intrare, camera scriitorului, dormitor, un alt hol, sufrageria şi odaia naţională, oferă vizitatorilor o adevărată lecţie de istorie şi critică literară. Aici sunt expuse documente, cărţi, fotografii şi obiecte personale care au aparţinut scriitorului.

Casa lui Mihail Sadoveanu este înscrisă în Lista monumentelor istorice din judeţul Suceava din anul 2010 având codul de clasificare SV-III-m-B-05681.

Programul de vizitare este :  marţi – duminică,  între orele 9:00 – 17:00

Material realizat de : Iustin Buculei

Surse de informare:

 “Însemnări fălticenene”, Geo Nechita

Mihail Sadoveanu Memorial House (The House on the Hill)

Located on 68, Ion Creangă Street, Mihail Sadoveanu Memorial House, known as the House on the hill, was built by a craftsman from Buneşti according to the blueprint of the great writer. The writer lived there from 1909 to 1918. Stepping its threshold, you will find a large house surrounded by a yard where the writer had planted an line of lime trees and fruit trees, for the future garden of “peace”.

Mihail Sadoveanu spent the most important period of his life in Fălticeni, and he also wrote most of his work; Fălticeni town represented training and asserting period for the writer.

On the occasion of celebrating his 50th anniversary, in Fălticeni, Mihail Sadoveanu wrote in the gold book of "Nicu Gane" High School: "I am still looking with emotion at the town of my memories and childhood." It was then when he said the famous words "In Fălticeni I drank the living water of the Romanian soul that I have not forgotten till this day. The whole mystery of my soul will reflect in it till the day I die "

Mihail Sadoveanu was proclaimed an honorary citizen of Fălticeni town and the former St. Nicolae streets in the village were assigned its name.

The initiative of founding Mihail Sadoveanu Memorial House was taken in the fall of 1986; in putting together the memorial house, a valuable help was received from the two daughters of the writer.

The house entered the cultural tours, as memorial museum in the summer of 1987. The six spaces (entrance hall, writer room, bedroom, another coridor, living room and national room offer to visitors a true lesson about history and literary criticism. Here are exposed documents, books, photographs and personal items that belonged to the writer.

Sadoveanu's house is included on the list of historical monuments in Suceava county from 2010 having the classification code SW-III-m-B-05681.

The visiting hours are: Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m – to 17:00 p.m

Drawn up by Iustin Buculei, 15 years old, 9th grade, ,,Mihai Băcescu” Technical High School Fălticeni

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Istorie Locala

Istorie Locala

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