Catedrala ortodoxa Adormirea Maicii Domnului

iulie 3, 2024 by

Istorie Locala

     Biserica actuală – Catedrala

Ca urmare a creşterii importanţei localităţii şi a numărului de locuitori din Câmpulung, vechea biserică de lemn a devenit neîncăpătoare. Prin urmare, în apropierea vechii biserici la 20 iulie 1908 se pune temelia bisericii noi, din iniţiativa preotului Ioan Voloşeniuc. Planul bisericii a fost întocmit de arhitectul Karl Romstorfer din Austria. Construcţia acestei biserici a costat 140.000 coroane austriece şi au fost suportate din veniturile Fondului Bisericesc Ortodox Român al Bucovinei şi a durat 6 ani (1908-1913).

Noua biserică are forma de cruce şi a fost construită din piatră şi cărămidă, având acoperiş din ţiglă smălţuită, multicoloră, în formă de solzi, comandată la Viena. Ca formă, ea seamănă cu Biserica Mirăuţi din Suceava. Biserica a fost sfinţită la 1/14 septembrie 1913 de către mitropolitul Vladimir de Repta al Bucovinei şi Dalmaţiei. Biserica se termină cu o turlă în vârful căreia străjuieşte Sfânta Cruce la înălţimea de 38 m.    Iconostasul este lucrat în lemn de tei de către maestrul Ioan Pâslea. Intre anii 1959-1963, biserica a fost pictata în interior de pictorul Iosif Keber din Târgu Mureş.

Vechea biserică de lemn a fost desfăcută şi mutată în satul Bădeuţi din apropierea oraşului Rădăuţi. Locul unde se afla masa altarului a fost împrejmuit cu o construcţie circulară de scânduri.

După cum se precizează în "Anuarul Mitropoliei Bucovinei pe anul 1937", Biserica "Adormirea Maicii Domnului" din Câmpulung Moldovenesc avea o casă parohială de cărămidă, o casă a cooperatorului de cărămidă, o sesie parohială de 12 ha, o sesie a cooperatorului de 6 ha, o sesie a cântăreţului de 3 ha şi o sesie a ponomarului de 1 ha. Parohia avea în îngrijire spirituală 564 familii cu 1.835 credincioşi.

Biserica a fost renovată la începutul anilor '90, pereţii interiori fiind repictaţi de pictorul bisericesc Vasile Carp din Bucureşti. După finalizarea lucrărilor, biserica a fost resfinţită la 18 august 1996 de către arhiepiscopul Pimen Zainea al Sucevei şi Rădăuţilor. Cu acest prilej, preotul paroh Petru Crăciun şi preoţii slujitori Doru Costineanu Beuca şi Gheorghe Giosan au primit distincţia de iconom stavrofor.

Printre preoţii care au slujit la această biserică nouă s-au aflat următorii: Eusebie Constantinovici – paroh (mai 1910 – ianuarie 1930), Gheorghe Rotar – cooperator (noiembrie 1923 – ianuarie 1930, august 1931 – mai 1933) şi administrator parohial (ianuarie 1930 – iulie 1931), Arcadie Hutu – cooperator şi paroh (9 noiembrie 1934 – august 1948), Ioan Flaiser – paroh (iulie 1937 – iunie 1946), Ştefan Slevoacă – paroh (iunie 1948 – 1960), Vladimir Puşcaru – preot slujitor (1952-1960), Ioan Buliga – paroh (1960-1989), Vespasian Velehorschi – preot (1960-1966), Vasile Dragu – preot (1974-1991), Gheorghe Paşcan – preot (1979-1985), Petru Crăciun – paroh (din 1985), Doru Costineanu Beuca – preot (din 1985), Nicolae Cojocaru – preot (1985-1993) şi Gheorghe Giosan (din 1993).

Material realizat după prezentarea făcută de preot paroh Petru Crăciun de:

Ciulei Sebastian Cosmin, elev cls. a X-a A, Colegiul Naţional „Dragoş Vodă”, Câmpulung Moldovenesc

Andrei Andrei, cls. a VII-a, Şcoala nr. 3, „Bogdan Vodă”, Câmpulung Moldovenesc





After the annexation of the north-western partof Moldavia by the Habsburg Empire (1775), an Austrian military garrison directed by Franz Pizelli settledin Câmpulung town. Among the garrison soldiers there was also a Romanian from Transylvania named Stoian which,, along with other soldiers, were ordered to destroy the Hermitage from Poiana Sihăstriei built in 1541 by Prince Petru Rareș in a glade at the foot of Rarău Mountain. According to the legend, Stoian became blind due to divine punishment.


Repenting for what he had done, since 1781 Stoian established a wooden church dedicated to the Assumption. It was located on the main road, in the back of the present church. In 1794 the parish estates were set up, comprising 24 acres of land "on the border of Breaza with Sadova village, on Runculeţ, in the neighbourhood of Neagra stream."


In 1823, Deacon Miron Ciupârcă built a wooden church dedicated to "The Assumption"on the land which was donated by Petru Grigorean.


The present Church – Cathedral


As a result of the increasing importance of the village and of the number of people in Câmpulung town, the old wooden church became overcrowded. Therefore, in the neighbourhood of the old church, on the 20th of July, 1908 the new church was built, on the initiative of   priest Ioan Voloşeniuc. The blueprint of the church was established by the Austrian architect Karl Romstorfer. Its construction cost 140,000 Austrian crowns, it was borne by Romanian Orthodox Church Fund of Bukovina and it lasted 6 years (1908-1913).


The new church is cross-shaped and it was built of stone and brick, with a enamelled and multi-coloured tile roof, chipped-shaped, ordered from Vienna. In shape, it bears a resemblance to Mirăuţi Church from Suceava. The church was consecrated on the 1st and 14th of September, 1913 by Metropolitan Vladimir de Repta of Bukovina and Dalmatia. The Church has a tower on the upper part which has the Holy Cross atop on a height of 38 m. The Iconostasis is made of lime wood by master Ioan Pâslea. From 1959 to 1963, the church was painted on inside by painter Iosif Keber from Târgu Mureș.


The old wooden church was taken down and moved to Bădeuți village in the neighbourhood of Rădăuți town. The place where the altar table was situated was surrounded by a circular building made of boards.


According as the "The Yearbook of Metropolitan of Bukovina in 1937,” Church "The Assumption of the Virgin" in Câmpulung Moldovenesc had a parsonage made of brick, a cooperative house also made of brick, a parish estates of 12 ha and a cooperative estates of 6 ha, a sessile of the church singer of 3 ha and a sessile of the church administrator of 1 ha. The parish had 564 families of 1,835 believers in spiritual care.


The church was renovated in the early 90s; the interior walls were repainted by artist Vasile Carp from Bucharest. After completion, the church was re-consecrated on the 18th of August, 1996 by Archbishop Pimen Zainea of Suceava and Rădăuţi. On this occasion, the parish priest Petru Crăciun and priests Doru Costineanu Beuca and Gheorghe Giosan ministers were awarded church distinctions.


Among the priests who served this new church there were the following: Eusebius Constantinovici – Parish (May 1910 – January 1930), Gheorghe Rotar – cooperator (November 1923 – January 1930, August 1931 – May 1933) and
Parish administrator (January 1930 – July 1931), Arcadie Hutu – Cooperator and Parish (November 9th, 1934 – August 1948), Ioan Flaiser – Parish (July 1937 – June 1946),
Ștefan Slevoacă – Priest (June 1948-1960), Vladimir Puşcaru – Servant Priest (1952 -1960), Ioan Buliga – Parish (1960-1989), Vespasian Velehorschi – Priest (1960-1966), Vasile Dragu – Priest (1974-1991), Gheorghe Paşcan – Priest (1979-1985), Petru Crăciun – Priest (from 1985) Doru Costineanu Beuca – Priest (1985), Nicolae Cojocaru – Priest (1985-1993) and Gheorghe Giosan ( from 1993).


Drawn up according to the presentation of Parish Priest Petru Crăciun by


Ciulei Sebastian Cosmin, 15 years old, 9th grade, ,, Dragoş Vodă” High School, Câmpulung Moldovenesc




Andrei Andrei, 14 years old, 7th grade, ,,Bogdan Vodă” School no.3, Câmpulung Moldovenesc


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Istorie Locala

Istorie Locala

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