Cimitirul evreiesc

iulie 3, 2024 by

Istorie Locala

Primii evrei s-au stabilit aici în jurul anului 1835 odată cu alte grupuri etnice (cum ar fi germanii emigraţi din Boemia). Ei erau de meserie meșteșugari şi negustori, lucrând și ca furnizori ai armatei austriece de ocupație. La acea dată, Gura Humorului era o mică localitate cu 200 căsuţe din lemn şi cu o populație de aproximativ 700 de locuitori, printre care și 5 familii evreiești.

Pe măsură ce rolul localității a crescut (Gura Humorului a primit statutul de târg în 1867, de reşedință districtuală în 1893 și de oraș în 1904), comunitatea evreiască din Gura Humorului a început să se dezvolte. În anul 1880 s-a deschis un consiliu cultural evreiesc la Gura Humorului. El a fost condus de marele industriaș Wolf Kleinberg până în 1888, când acesta s-a mutat la Cernăuți. Următorii președinți ai consiliului au fost Itzik Leib Schattner (1888-1903), Markus Markowicz (1903-1904), Saul Ellenbogen (1904), Abraham Fischler (1905-1908), farmacistul Alexander Loebel (1908-1914), Gerenten (1918-1921), dr. Jonas Gartenlaub (1921-1926), Chaim Rachmuth, Anschel Steinhorn, Rafael Mueck şi Feiwel Laufer .

Bibliografie activă – Joseph Schmidt

Material realizat de: Luciana Nicoleta Costin,16 ani, cl. a X-a B, Colegiul National ,,Alexandru cel Bun”, Gura Humorului

The Jewish Cemetery

The Jewish Cemetery dates from the eighteenth century and it is located on the northern outskirts of the town (towards the Mănăstirea Humorului village), of about 700 m from the railway station. It was included on the list of historical monuments in Suceava county from 2004 under classification code SV-IV-s-B-05704.

Inside the cemetery there are 200 tombstones where impressive funeral stars but also the lion (a symbol of Judaism) are carved on. Among those who were buried here, there is also Sara Schmidt, the mother of the famous tenor Joseph Schmidt (1904-1942) from Chernivtsi who died on the 21th of May, 1950.

The first Jews settled here from 1835 along with other ethnic groups (such as Germans emigrated from Bohemia). They were craftsmen and merchants but they also worked as suppliers of Austrian occupation army. At that time, Gura Humor was a small village with 200 wooden houses and a population of about 700 people, including five Jewish families.

As the role of the village increased, (Gura Humor was ranked as borough in 1867, as county seat in 1893 and as town in 1904) the Jewish community from Gura Humorului began to develop. In 1880 a Jewish cultural council opened in Gura Humorului. It was run by the great industrialist Wolf Kleinberg until 1888 when this was moved to Chernivtsi. The following council presidents were Itzik Leib Schattner (1888-1903), Markus Markowicz (1903-1904), Saul Ellenbogen (1904), Abraham Fischler (1905-1908), the chemist Alexander Loebel (1908-1914), Gerenten (1918 – 1921), Dr. Jonas Gartenlaub (1921-1926), Chaim Rachmuth, Anschel Steinhorn, Rafael Mueck and Feiwel Laufer.

Drawn up by Luciana Nicoleta Costin,16 years old, 10th grade, ,,Alexandru cel Bun” High School, Gura Humorului

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Istorie Locala

Istorie Locala

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