Complexul turistic şi de agrement Nada Florilor

iulie 3, 2024 by

Istorie Locala

Stadionul sportiv Nada Florilor a fost dat în folosinţă in anul 1975. Construcţia are o capacitate de 10.000 de locuri şi o clădire prevăzută cu bucătărie, baie, camera de odihnă, instalaţii de sunet. Momentul inaugural a fost marcat de desfăşurarea unui meci de fotbal amical între echipa locală, Foresta şi echipa bucureşteană Steaua.

Aşadar, fie ca doriţi sa revedeţi locurile unde marii oameni de ieri îşi petreceau timpul, precum Mihail Sadoveanu, Grigore Vasiliu Birlic, Ion Creangă şi mulţi alţii, fie că doriţi să vă regăsiţi în freamătul copacilor, murmurul apei şi ciripitul păsărilor, Complexul sportiv şi de agrement Nada Florilor vă stă la dispoziţie.

Material realizat de :

Tofan Daria , 17 ani, Colegiul Naţional ,,Nicu Gane” Fălticeni, cl. a XI-a


On the left bank of Şomuz pond, a corner of the yesterday world of Mihail Sadoveanu, a rest and leisure area, attracts travellers of all ages to have a chat, to go for a hike where you can admire the landscape offered by Nada Florilor Complex. In all these places of Fălticeni, the poetry of the past blends harmoniously and delicately with the robust pulse, the energetic movement, the quivering rush of daily changes.

At Nada Florilor, on the big ponds from Şomuz, the fishing used to be the oldest trade. The number of fishermen increased over time and started to own similar facilities to those of fishermen fishing in the Danube from Brateş. Here, a wonderful place where you can rest and strengthen your body was set up . High performance canoeing takes place on the lake, and if you feel like having some exercise, you can stop at the beautiful 10,000-seat stadium and a field that looks like a billiard table, namely the lakeside stadium .

Nada Florilor sports stadium was opened in 1975. The construction has a capacity of 10,000 people and the side building is equipped with kitchen, bathroom, rest room, sound systems. The opening was marked by a friendly football match between the local team Foresta and Bucharest team Steaua.

So, whether you want to visit the places where the great men of the past, such as Mihail Sadoveanu, Grigore Vasiliu Birlic, Ion Creangă and many others spent their time, or you want to meditate in the murmur of trees, the murmur of water and birdsongs, you are welcome to Nada Florilor Tourist and Leisure Complex.

Powered by Tofan Daria, 17, Colegiul Naţional ,,Nicu Gane” Fălticeni, cl.a XI-a


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Istorie Locala

Istorie Locala

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