Gara Vatra Dornei-Băi/Vatra Dornei- Băi Railway Station

iulie 3, 2024 by

Istorie Locala

Clădirea gării Vatra Dornei-Băi, după remedierea distrugerilor provocate de cele două războaie mondiale, beneficiind de reparaţii curente şi de o întreţinere corespunzătoare, a răspuns cerinţelor şi exigenţelor de funcţionare până în ultimul pătrar al secolului al XX-lea. Între anii 1984 si 1986, staţiunea balneoclimaterică afirmându-se peste hotarele ţării, s-au impus rezolvări care să corespundă exigenţelor protocolului internaţional. Cu participarea directă a Regionalei de Căi Ferate Iaşi, s-a trecut la lărgirea, înălţarea, extinderea şi modernizarea peronului. Tot în acei ani s-a proiectat al doilea peron, amplasat pe partea opusă a celui existent, cu acces direct din staţiunea balneoclimaterică. Printr-un sistem de alei, ingenios racordate de la podul de peste râul Dorna spre peron, se putea prelua traficul de călători în noile amenajări, creându-se astfel condiţii de desfaşurare a ceremonialelor de protocol internaţional.

În condiţiile amenajării celui de al doilea peron la gara Vatra Dornei-Băi o parte dintre serviciile destinate publicului călător urmau să fie preluate în noile spaţii: săli de aşteptare, grupuri sanitare, case de bilete, mesageria ş.a. În spaţiile rămase libere, prin recompartimentări şi modernizări, au fost proiectate utilităţile impuse de cerinţele si exigenţele protocolului internaţional. Proiectul a fost finalizat între anii 1995 şi 1996 şi se află în arhiva Regionalei de Căi Ferate Iaşi.

Gara Vatra Dornei Băi a fost inclusă în Lista monumentelor istorice din județul Suceava, elaborată în anul 2004.

SURSA: “Memoria Dornelor”

Autor: Petru Ţăranu

Vatra Dornei- Băi Railway Station

Vatra Dornei-Băi Railway Station was built in 1910 and is located in Vatra Dornei on Dornelor street, no. 7.

INITIALLY, the railway section Câmpulung-Vatra Dornei ended in Vatra Dornei, on the right bank of the River. The need to extend the railway a few hundred meters further and setting up of Vatra Dornei-Băi station resulted from the structure of the project of setting up a European resort. Vasile Deac, Mayor of the town, having been informed of this fact, asked for approval on this topic during his audience to emperor Franz Joseph. The scale model drawn up by architect Paul Branga and presented to the emperor, showed a highly architecturally-refined castle-railway.. Being integrated into the overall project of the European spa resort, the railway, as it was located in the town, was subject to imperial approval. This explains why in Vatra Dornei there are two railway stations within a short distance of each other. Until 1939, when the railway section Vatra Dornei- Ilva Mica started up,, Vatra Dornei-Băi railway was rail head.

Vatra Dornei-Băi railway building, after the repair of damage caused by the two World Wars, with regular repairs and adequate maintenance, operated properly until the last quarter of the 20th century. From 1984 to 1986, the spa resort became known abroad, therefore, solutions which could meet international requirements were needed.

Through the direct participation of the Regional Railway Company of Iaşi, to the platform was enlarged, heightened, and modernized. those years also saw the design of the second platform, located on the opposite side of the existing one, with direct access from the spa resort. Through a system of alleys, ingeniously connected to the bridge over the river Dorna to the platform, the passenger traffic could be transferred to the new facilities, thereby creating conditions for conducting international protocol ceremonies.

As the second platform at Vatra Dornei-Băi railway station was set up, a part of the services intended for tourists were going to be taken into the new places: waiting rooms, bathrooms, booking offices, messaging etc. In the vacant spaces, by means of rearrangements and modernization, utilities imposed by the requirements and needs of international protocol were designed The project was completed between 1995 and 1996 and can be found in the archives of the Regional Railway Company of Iaşi.

       Vatra Dornei Railway Station has been   included on the list of historical monuments of Suceava county, developed in 2004.

Source of information:

Author: Petru Ţăranu – Memoria Dornelor

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Istorie Locala

Istorie Locala

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