Hanul Domnesc Suceava

iulie 3, 2024 by

Istorie Locala

O dată cu stabilirea reşedinţei domneşti de la Siret la Suceava, Petru I Muşat construieşte în extremitatea vestică a aşezării o casă domnească din lemn, alături de o alta pentru unii curteni şi un turn locuinţă din piatră. La rândul său, Alexandru cel Bun face unele construcţii din lemn şi din piatră. Ştefan cel Mare definitivează ansamblul Palatului Domnesc, care avea în plan forma literei L şi dimensiuni considerabile, Curtea Domnească devine cel mai reprezentativ monument de gen din intreaga Moldova istorică.

Expoziţia permanentă de la parterul clădirii a fost constituită pe structura unui han de secol XVIII – XIX. Sunt reconstituite 4 săli specifice epocii: salonul de oaspeţi, unde erau primiţi dregătorii de vază; sala hanului destinată negustorilor, târgoveţilor şi oamenilor de rând; bucătăria şi cămara; camera de odihnă.

Program de vizitare: 

Aprilie – Octombrie: 10 -18

Octombrie – Aprilie: 9 – 17

Material realizat de : Petrişor Iuliana Daniela, 17 ani

Surse de informare:


Ghid turistic ,”Judetul Suceava”

The Princely Inn Suceava

An important historical monument and the oldest medieval civil building in Suceava town, the Princely Inn was built in the early seventeenth century andwas intended to host some foreign dignitaries, important guests and rich merchants.

Upon the occupation of the northern Moldavia by the Habsburg Empire in 1775, the Princely Inn changed its destination and became a hunting house for the members of the imperial family.

In 1962 it was restored from basement to roof, aiming at restoring the architectural elements on the ground floor, in the former kitchen of the inn; on the place of the oven, another one was built, inspired by Moldavian ovens.

Upon the establishment of the royal residence from Siret to Suceava, Petru I Musat built a princely t wood house in the west end of the building, next to another one for some courtiers and a house tower made of stone. In his turn, Alexandru cel Bun built some wood and stone houses. Stefan cel Mare completed the L-shaped Princely Palace , the Princely Court becoming the most representative monument of this kind in all historical Moldova.

The permanent exhibition on the ground floor was built on the framework of an 18th-19th century inn. Four rooms specific to this age are reconstructed: the guest room, where honorable governors were received; the room inn designed for merchants, townsmen and ordinary people, the kitchen and the pantry; the recreation room.

Opening hours: from April- to October: from 10:00 a.m. – to 18:00 p.m.

                       from October- to April: from 9:00 a.m. – to 17:00 p.m.

Drawn up by Petrişor Iuliana Daniela, 17 years old

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Istorie Locala

Istorie Locala

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