Istoria Municipiului Râmnicu Vâlcea (rezumat în limba engleză)/ History of Râmnicu Vâlcea (English summary)

iulie 3, 2024 by

Istorie Locala


Based on rich archeological, numismatic, archive and bibliographical documentation, the author depics, in a unitary manner, the steady evolution of this locality throughout historical times and social systems, beginning with the Early Paleolithic, up to the present day. The chapter entitled “Geographical Framework”, presents the particularities of the natural environment, location of the city at the contact area between the piedmont hills and the Carpathians Mountains, at the confluence of the Olt river and the Olăneşti river. The following chapters, “Prehistorical and geto-dacian periods”, are documenting the development in he geographical space, the process of the beginning of the primitive commune, based on a great number of material traces, the pebble culture implements being particularly relevant in this respect. The continuity of human communities in the Neolothic, in the Bronze and Iron Ages in the present zone of Râmnicu-Vâlcea, stands proof to the intense inhabitation of the Geto-Dacians, at Buridava and other localities, and then of the Daco-Romans. Ample references are made to the of Rm. Vâlcea in the framework of the medieval Romanian civilization. In the economic system of Wallachia the city stood out by its trades, commerce and viticulture. An adequate space is devoted to the description of the official document of September 5, 1389, issued by prince Mircea the Great (1386-1418) granting the city statute.

In the XVII-th century, Rm. Vâlcea becomes the most important printing centre fron Wallachia.

The next xhapters are dealing with the City of Rm. Vâlcea in Modern Times, highlightning on the participation of the inhabitants of Rm. Vâlcea in the main 19-th-and early 20-th century events: the 1821 revolution, the 1848 revolution, the Union of the Romanian principalities in 1859, when the modern Romanian national states founded, the proclamation and conquest of Romania’s full State independence in 1877-1878, the First World War, the creation of the Romanian unitary national state on December 1, 1918.

At the same time, stress is laid on the city’s modern economic life in modern times, e.g. estabiliment of industrial units and financial institutions, extension of domestic transit and foreign trade and on its socio-political life, assertion of some personalities the emergence and development of the working, of culture and town planning.

The final chapter, describing the contemporary history of Rm. Vâlcea, cover the years 1918-1990. The first part concerns the inter-war period, 1918-1940, with emphasis on the economic, urban and cultural progress of the city, on its social and political life: the intensification of the revolutionary working-class movement after the First World War, the struggle against the danger of the country’s fascination, of revisionism and are, the participation of the military units of Rm. Vâlcea in the antihitlerite war, the historical act of August 23, 1944, the participation of the inhabitants of Rm. Vâlcea in the struggle of Romania’s democratization, in the reconstruction of the economy destroyed by the war and in the other important political events during the 1944-1948 years. Further on, ample references document the involvement of the Municipality. The city has become an important socio­economic and cultural-scientific centre ef contemporary Romania, and it takes an active part in the internal ant international exchange of material and spiritual assets. Of outstanding importance is the fact that in the years Rm. Vâlcea har grown into an major industrial center: chemical and petrochemical works, woodprocessing and light industries. It is also a well-known commercial and urban center; tourism in the area has greatly developed due to the city’s highly picturesque surroundings.

The Municipality of Rm. Vâlcea, together with its urban communes numbers over 110000 inhabitants.


Sursa: Corneliu Tamaș, Istoria Municipiului Râmnicu Vâlcea, Editura Conphys, Rm. Vâlcea, 2006, p. 454-456.

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Istorie Locala

Istorie Locala

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