Pârtia de schi Veveriţa/The Ski Slope „Squirrel”

iulie 3, 2024 by

Istorie Locala

Pârtia de schi Veveriţa, cea mai nou amenajată, este situată în vecinătatea pârtiei Parc, accesul făcându-se atât de pe strada Parcului, cât şi de pe pârtia Parc 2. Pârtia a fost deschisă în anul 2011 printr-un proiect Phare. Are o lungime de 850 de metri, cu o diferenţă de nivel de 200 de metri, are instalaţie de nocturnă,tunuri de zăpadă artificială şi spaţii necesare protejării instalaţiilor. Este prevăzută cu instalaţie de teleschi cu o capacitate de transport de 900 de persoane pe oră. Accesul la instalaţia de transport se face pe bază de skipass. Pârtia este întreţinută şi administrată de Serviciul Salvamont Vatra Dornei.


Amenajarea pârtiei a costat 3,2 milioane de euro, din care cofinanţarea locală a fost de 1,2 milioane de euro, restul fondurilor fiind de la Uniunea Europeană, 33 %, şi Guvernul României, 33 %. Toate lucrările din proiect au început în 2008 şi au fost finalizate la sfârşitul lunii iunie 2011.


Turiştii au la dispoziţie centru de închiriere echipament sportiv, locuri din care pot achiziţiona gustări şi diverse metode de agrement, dintre cele ce funcţionează iarna, trebuie amintit patinoarul.


Pârtia de ski Veveriţa din Vatra Dornei este unul dintre cele mai importante obiective turistice din Bucovina, obiectiv pe care nu ar trebui să-l rataţi dacă vă aflaţi în apropiere.


Date tehnice:


Instalaţie de transport pe cablu: skipass


Grad dificultate: mediu
Lungime: 850 m
Laţime medie: 35 m
Diferenţă de nivel: 200 m


Sursă de informare:  


Servicul Salvamont Vatra Dornei


Material realizat de : Lostun Şeban, 17 ani Liceul Teoretic ,,Ion Luca” Vatra Dornei   cl. a XII-a


The Ski Slope „Squirrel”




Vatra Dornei skiing area consists of 4 ski slopes: Ski Slope “Squirrel”, “Park” , “Park 2” and “Chairlift”. Two of them are provided with night lighting and installation for producing artificial snow. The climate is submontane with average temperature in January of -6 ° C and an average of 30-50 cm snow. There is usually snow in the region from December to March. Vatra Dornei resort includes 5.4 km of certified slope, Black Hill slope being one of the longest in the country.


The Ski Slope “Squirrel”, the most recently designed, is located in the neighborhood ofslope “Park” and the access is ensured both on Park Street and on slope “Park 2”. The slope was opened in 2011 by means of a Phare project. It has a length of 850 meters, with a height difference of 200 meters, has night lighting, artificial snow cannons and spaces necessary to protect facilities. It is provided with ski lift designed for a number of 900 people per hour. Access to the transport system is based on skipass. The slope is maintained and managed by Vatra Dornei Rescue Service.


The improvement of slope cost 3.2 million Euros, out of which local financing accounted for of 1.2 million, the remaining funds being granted by the European Union – 33% and by the Romanian Government, 33%. All project works started in 2008 and were completed at the end of June 2011.


Tourists have at their disposal the sports equipment rental center, where they can buy snacks and engage in various types of entertainment; mention should be made of the skating rink, in winter.


The ski slope “Squirrel” of Vatra Dornei is one of the most important tourist attractions in Bukovina and if you are in the neighbourhood, you should not miss it.




Installation of ski lifts: skipass


Difficulty level: medium


Length: 850 m


Average width: 35 m


Height difference: 200 m


Source of information:


Vatra Dornei Rescue Service


Powered by: Lostun Şeban, 17


High School, “Ion Luca "of Vatra Dornei cl. XIIth


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Istorie Locala

Istorie Locala

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