Şcoala „BOGDAN-VODĂ” Câmpulung Moldovenesc

iulie 3, 2024 by

Istorie Locala

În anul 1905 s-a dat în folosinţă actualul local al şcolii şi a fost sfinţit în data de 4 decembrie. Şcoala va funcţiona cu clase separate pentru băieţi în partea de răsărit a clădirii şi pentru fete în jumătatea dinspre apus.

Limba de predare a fost germana, dar apoi s-a adoptat şi limba română.

Până la începutul Primului Război, şcoala îşi măreşte efectivul de elevi dar şi de cadre didactice.

În 1914 oraşul a fost ocupat de trupele ruseşti şi arhiva şcolii a fost distrusă, iar învăţământul şi-a încetat activitatea. Trupele ruseşti au fost alungate de trupele austriece şi şcoala a putut să-şi reia activitatea.

Primul Război Mondial s-a încheiat pe data de 11 noiembrie 1918 schimbând profund ordinea politică, socială şi culturală a întregii Europe. Au apărut noi state, altele au dispărut şi s-au modificat graniţele. Bucovina era acum parte integrantă a României Mari.

Şcoala beneficiind de un corp didactic bine pregătit îi creşte prestigiul.

În perioada celui de-al doilea Război Mondial cursurile au fost întrerupte iar  şcoala evacuată în Muntenia. Slujitorii ei s-au refugiat în țară până în data de 20 martie 1945 când s-a redeschis şcoala în Câmpulung prin revenirea ei din Muntenia.

După război dictatura comunistă, se instalează bine la cârma ţării şi începe cu decapitarea elitei româneşti, politicieni, scriitori, oameni de ştiinţă, întreprinzători, profesori, preoţi, până la cel mai umil, dar curat răzeş. Si această şcoală a avut de suferit, ca toate şcolile din acel timp, prin înlocuirea cadrelor didactice bine pregătite cu unele şcolite într-un an, dar obediente regimului. Vechii dascăli au fost urmăriţi şi persecutaţi de securitate, exemple ca: George Voevidca, Alexandru Bogza, Niculai Roşca, Ion Ţugui, înv. M. Michitovici, alţii înfundă puşcăriile ca: înv. Teofil Şandru, Ipolit Bărbânţă, Arcadie Gerasim Victor Ciumău şi mulţi alţii.

În tot timpul existenţei sale, această instituţie şcolară a fost locul unde s-a învăţat bine carte, unde au predat dascăli străluciţi, ale căror nume s-au legat strâns de viaţa şi istoria oraşului.

Punctele de atracţie ale şcolii, ce are o personalitate aparte, rămân cabinetele şi laboratoarele, sala de festivităţi, sala de sport şi biblioteca, dar şi dascălii serioşi şi bine pregătiţi, precum şi olimpicii care au ajuns în ţări precum S.U.A, India, Nigeria, Japonia.

Material realizat de: Ciulei Sebastian Cosmin, elev cls a X-a şi Moraru Mihai, elev cls a XII-a , Colegiul National ,,Dragos Voda”, Campulung Moldovenesc.


Cartea şcolii noastre, de Stamatin, Horaţiu, Editura Fundației Culturale ,,Alexandru Bogza”, 2009

"Bogdan Vodă" School in Câmpulung Moldovenesc

In May, 1875, by Imperial Decree and Order 533 of the Duchy of Bukovina, the opening of a state primary school in Câmpulung Moldovenesc town was approved; the teaching language was German; the school was for both boys and girls and it was financed from the state budget..

The first school principal was teacher Teodor Vasilovici.

Over the years, the school functioned in different buildings such as the building opposite the Wood Museum or inside Gehl House, located on School Street, or inside RAUCL building, located on T. Ștefanelli Street.

During the Mayor M. Juster the headstone was set for the most beautiful school in the area. The architect of this monumental building was the Austrian Finkelstein.

In 1905 the current building of theschool was brought into service and the opening religious service was performed on the 4th of December. The school was working with separate classes for boys in the eastern building and for girls in the western half.

The teaching language was German, but then Romanian language was adoptedtoo.

By the beginning of the First World War, the school increased the number of students and teachers.

In 1914, the town was occupied by Russian troops and the school archive was destroyed and the educational process was shut down. The Russian troops were driven away by the Austrian troops and the school was able to get back on its feet.

The First World War ended on the 11th of November, 1918 changing profoundly the political, social and cultural setting of the whole Europe. New states emerged, others disappeared and the borders changed. Bukovina was now integral part of România Mare (Large Romania).

The school was enjoying a well-trained teaching staff and this increased its prestige.

During the Second World War the courses were discontinued and the school was evicted in Wallachia. Its servants took refuge in the country until March 20th, 1945 when the school reopened by its returning from Wallachia.

After the war the communist dictatorship came into power and started with the “decapitation” of the Romanian elite, politicians, writers, scientists, entrepreneurs, teachers, priests, up to the most humble, but honest peasant. This school also had to suffer, as all the schools of that time replaced the well-prepared teachers with shallow teachers, obedient to the regime. Old teachers were singled out and persecuted by security, examples such as George Voevidca, Alexandru Bogza, Niculai Roşca, Ion Ţugui, teacher M. Michitovici and others were sent to prison: teacher Teofil Şandru, Ipolit Bărbânţă, Arcadie Gerasim Victor Ciumău and many others.

Throughout its existence, this school was the place where teaching was excellent, where brilliant teachers whose names were closely linked to the life and history of the city taught.

The interests of the school, which has a distinct personality, remain offices and laboratories, the assembly hall, the gymnasium and library, but also the serious and well-trained teachers and attendees of school Olympics who emigrated in countries such as USA, India, Nigeria, Japan.

Drawn up by

Ciulei Sebastian Cosmin, 15 years old, 10th grade

and Moraru Mihai, 12th grade, ,,Dragos Voda” Hish School, Campulung Moldovenesc

References: Cartea şcolii noastre, de Stamatin, Horaţiu, Editura Fundaţiei Culturale ,,Alexandru Bogza”, 2009

Written By

Istorie Locala

Istorie Locala

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